Allowing anyone to Add Social Accounts

Not just SocialBu users, now anyone can add social accounts to a SocialBu account. Either they are clients, teammates or people outside SocialBu.

All you need to do is,

  1. Login to your SocialBu Account, Go to your Profile and Click "Social accounts"

  1. Click on "+Add Account" and it will show you the list of platforms SocialBu support.

  1. Click on "Let someone else connect the accounts"

  1. It will show you the list of the platforms, where you can generate different links for different platforms.

  1. So for example, if you want your client to add Facebook account, Click on "Facebook"

  1. And it will generate you a unique link.

  1. Click on other platforms to get their links as well. Now, you will share this link to anyone so they (teammate/client) can add social account. The Teammate will paste the link.

  1. It will redirect them to the login page where they can add the credentials of the account they want add in their main account.

  1. Teammate will give the accesses and all, the account will be added in the main account which later can be added in the team by the admin.
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