How to use Data Placeholders in Socialbu?

Data placeholders simplify your automation process by specifying the content that will be published. Each placeholder has a different function. There are multiple placeholders depending on the different events.

Here is how you can use them:

1) When setting up your automation, the Data Placeholders option available on the right side.

2: Copying the placeholders and pasting them to the "Content box" will help to identify the content going to be published.

Placeholders for "Message is received" on Facebook.

  • {{ content }} will contain the content of the received message.
  • {{ }} will have the user's name. i.e. Someone send you a DM on Facebook and your customized reply will be "Hi {{ }} , Thanks for your message... "
  • {{ has_image }} will reply with "True" if the message includes a image, and "False" otherwise.
  • {{ has_sticker }} will reply with "True" if the message includes a sticker, and "False" otherwise.

Placeholders for "New post is publish by account" automation.

  • {{ content }} will contain content of the received message.
  • {{ has_image }} will reply with "True" if the message includes a image, and "False" otherwise.
  • {{ media_url }} will let you get the URL of any media found in the content or caption of the post.

Placeholders for "RSS has a new item" Automation:

  • {{ title }} will help in publishing the blog's/article's/content's title to your social account(s).
  • {{ link }} will help in publishing the link (if available in a website's post) to your social account(s).
  • {{ image }} helps in getting the link of the image.
  • {{ description }} will help in publishing the description of the post to your social account(s). It can be the description of any article's/blog's etc.
  • {{ author }} will allow you to publish the name of the author to your social account(s)
  • {{ category }} will help you put category of the blog / article from the RSS Feed.
  • {{ has_image }} will response with "True" or "False" if the website's post has image in it.

Placeholders for "Webhook is triggered" automation.

  • {{ request_body }} will help in getting the data received by the Webhook.

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