How can I check my Account type on Instagram?

Instagram has three different account types for different kinds of use cases.

  1. Personal Accounts
  2. Business Accounts
  3. Creator Accounts

All the profiles when created are Personal either private or public.

After changing the settings you can switch between Creator or Business account type which both fall under the same category; Professional account.

Sometimes while using SocialBu or any third-party tool you get the error while posting and that’s mainly because your account type is different than the one required by the tool for posting.

In order to check your account type, follow these easy steps:

  • Open your mobile app of Instagram, go to your profile, and then go to the settings from the top right menu.
  • Choose Settings and Privacy.
  • Scroll down a bit and there you’ll see an option “For professionals
  • If you see there written “Business tools and controls” that means you have a Business account type and if you see “Creator tools and controls” that means you have a Creator account type.

So in order to switch between the account types Click on “Business/Creator tools and controls” and there you will get the option of “Switch account type”.

Your options will be totally different if your account type is Personal. If you have a personal account, you will see an option to “Switch to Professional Account”.

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