What is Network performance in Analyze?

Network Performance shows how a specific social network is performing with different metrics for each channel to have a better and deeper understanding of the social media account’s performance.

You can check your Network performance for

  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Google Business Profile (Google My Business) 
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Firstly, you will need to select the platform of which you want to see the reports and then specify (if needed) the account and choose the date range. After that, you will see different reports for each platform.

For Twitter, you will get Followers net gain and Content at a Glance means the type of content (text based, image based or video based) you published.

For LinkedIn, you will see Followers growth, your Page Views, Top Countries where your content is viewed the most and Followers Demographics in the number form and graphs.

For Google Business Profile, you will have Desktop map views and Mobile map views, Call to Actions which includes phone number clicks, website clicks and driving direction requests, and lastly, you can see the Total number of Reviews you have got. 

For Facebook, you will have Fans Growth, Page total views, Page Reach and Engaged Users, and Followers Demographics all in numbers and graphs.
For Instagram, you can see Followers Growth, Profile Views, Reach and Impressions, Profile Actions (email clicks, website clicks and phone call clicks) and Followers Demographics, all in numbers and graphical representation.
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