How do I check my content performance on social media channels?

In order to check your content performance which you published through SocialBu you will need to go to the Content Report under Analyze section.

There you will see reports under 4 sections:
  • Posts vs Engagement
  • Publishing Behavior
  • Hashtag Analysis
  • Top Posts

  • Posts Vs Engagement
In the Posts vs Engagement report you will see a graph with Blue and Black lines showing your engagement and number of posts you have published.
On x-axis, you will get the dates on which your content was published.

On y-axis, you can see the engagement you got with Blue line and the number of posts you did with Black line.

Place your cursor over any line you want and see the detailed reports. Also, you can download the report in PDF, PNG or JPEG image.

  • Publishing Behavior

In Publishing Behavior, you get to see what type of content you mostly publish on your social media channels; text based, image based or video based. For this you get the information in the form of a pie chart.

Instead of downloading whole report, downloading certain graph is also possible.

  • Hashtag Analysis

In Hashtag Analysis, you can see all the hashtags you have used in your posts and the engagement they have brought. Just place your cursor over any hashtag and you will see the engagement it has brought to your posts.

  • Top Posts

In Top Posts, you get your top 10 posts which performed the best in terms of engagement across different platforms so you get the idea what type of content people are liking and engaging with.

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