Engaging with Facebook comments

You don't need to switch between multiple social media accounts to keep up with the messages. Get them all in a shared inbox. If you are managing multiple brands, you can create a separate inbox for each brand.

To get started, click the Respond section tab on the left side of your dashboard in SocialBu. 
  • Click on create a new feed.

  • Now give a name to your feed, if you have any team you can assign it to the team also.

  • After creating the team successfully, click on the configure option

  • Now, select the option in catch Item, for example, mentions, messages, and comments.

Respond to all your post comments, replies, and mentions from one place. You will not miss them anymore.

You can also engage with your Facebook comments through Automated Replies. To create an automation, go to your SocialBu account click on the automation and create a new automation.

You can read helpful articles about automation here

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