Setting up an Automated Action when Web-hook is Triggered

With SocialBu, you can create automated actions that would be executed when your webhook is triggered.

To create this automation, follow these steps:

  1. After logging into your account, go to the automation tab

  1. In order to create a new automation, click on the “Create Automation”, and assign name to the Automation.

  1. From the first drop-down, choose “Webhook id triggered”. This means that your automation would be executed when webhook is triggered. Then select your account. You can choose one or multiple social media accounts.

4. Now choose an action that would be executed when Webhook is triggered

Setting up the actions

Following actions can take place when the automation is triggered:

  • An email would be sent.
  • A post would be published on social media accounts of your choice.
  • A post would be created and added to the queue, so you can repeat it again and again.
  • An HTTP request would be sent.

  1. You can use "Data Placeholders"

6. You can also add conditions to your automation.

  1. You can create action groups too. Each action group has one or more actions and a set of conditions is applied to it. Action groups are independent of each other.

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