Creating a Queue

Don't select the platforms that are not compatible with the provided information in the post.

Like selecting Instagram and not attaching media in the post.

The queue is a feature that enables you to recycle your evergreen content. You can create a queue of two or more posts that would repeat at a certain frequency set by you.

In order to add a custom queue in SocialBu, follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Queues” page (Publish -> Queues)

2. Click the New Queue button

3. Give a name to your Queue and submit. You will be redirected to the newly-created queue

4. Select the account you want to publish your Queue. You can select one or multiple accounts. You need to set how many times a post should be repeated, Time, starting and ending date etc.

5. Once you save it, "Add posts" to your queues.

  1. Set your post, Select SAVE and that's all. You can add multiple posts in one Queue.
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